The power of doing the right thing

    Since day one, we've asked "Are we doing the right thing for our clients?" It's what guides our decisions across our company. It's what makes us Pothier Wealth Management.

    We believe in doing better.

    Our focus: help clients build financial security so that they can live their best lives. We do this through holistic planning and the right financial options. Our approach balances the things clients need to do with the things they want to do—now and years from now.

    But what makes us different is a simple yet powerful purpose and commitment that runs deep to our core: to help clients, our employees, and our communities succeed.


    Our commitment to clients

    Our clients are the reason we exist. As a wealth company, we serve our clients for the long haul with a dedication to do the right thing.

    Our commitment to social impact

    As a wealth company, putting people first makes us who we are, whether for our clients, our communities, our employees, or financial advisors. We know our collective success rests on helping everyone reach their full potential.


    Our commitment to corporate governance

    For over years, we've done what's right for clients, our people, and company. Doing what's right means an unwavering commitment to the highest ethics, honesty, and compliance.

    Our commitment to responsible investing and the environment

    Reducing our environmental impact is good for business and the right thing to do. We're taking actions that help us operate our offices in the most energy-efficient ways, eliminate onsite waste, and invest responsibly. We're also taking steps to ensure our investment portfolio incorporates climate risk and, when consistent with our commitment to policyowner returns, advances other important social goals.

    Our commitment to our people

    We work hard to create a culture that's inclusive and respectful for all employees. We're dedicated to creating teams that inspire, innovate, and give everyone a chance to be, and do, their best every day.

    Get the full environmental, social, and governance report

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